
Friday, December 29, 2006

Im very damn fedup with Rafi...

Time: 1140pm
Date: 13 January 2007

Erhm...Today at work everything was fine...SyukurAlhamdullillah...My sales was lot improvement and thanx to the help of Ju...I hope, as days goes by, my sales target will improve(Amin)...
Btw...This Rafi thing is making me sickening as time pass by...From morning I SMSed him, no reply and called his h/p was off...Then my break time, also no reply from him, also I msg him and not just that I called him, two times no answer, then Dev, 3 times also no answer than at last my mum, also no answer...Now, I SMS him direct, straight forward and it was like my frens all supported me...Thanx to my bro-Redwan who gave me the idea...
This was how I SMSed him-
"Hey Rafi...What has happen???Even I, myself also have no idea... =(
Can u call me at least please...If later, then at least reply my msg...And is it am I being pathetic to u..???If yes, just tell me...And I will let it leave as a history...Mera vaada hai yeh..I don't like being and remember a person which are not interest in me...Tell the truth!!!"
I really hope, really really hope, for once he is going to reveal me his truthness...Im damn feed-up, I regreted...I felt like, this was a part of history...All memorable ones are changing to history...I cant believe it...Why, why have I to cry for stupid reason like U-Rafi...???Why, why am I thinking of u here and then...Why why...WHy!!!I promise...If u never msg me again...I promise that u never exist in my Life...U r just a crap which I pass through in my Journey of Life...Im gonna proof to u...What type of girl, a woman, a person am I...Dont be too late and regreted...I promise u...I promise...And this I promise...It's gonna be a shock thing and more suprisingly in ur Life...DOnt tell and say that Im the one who are what but remember, u ask for it...Im fine with it...My Life...My Journey doesn't end and stops with u...Life has to move on not like a car...But it's like a petrol which drives the car...Make the car moves eventhough there is a steer in it...What can it do if there is no petrol...Am I right...Well...All is up to individual's opinion...And option...But, that's the truth anyway...I promise...If, there's a will...There's a way...And I promise not to fall for you and your everything...U r gonna be like a dust which will appear and gone like that...Even though it makes us sickening...There's a medicine and cleaning it up will get clear and good...That's what I mean...I really had enough of you...Im not even grateful but regreted, regreted in My Life of meeting a person like u...Whatever happens in the future...I hope if we are destiny to 'meet' each other again...I promise u that I will never be serious and turn back like how I already gave u this chance...I promise...I swear...I will never regret coz, right now, I already feel regreted in My Life...U r the regreted and rejected in MY Life...U know how to make me that...I think if I weren't have met u, something is different now...Maybe, u wanna go for a girl which is very pretty, with heights, a fresh complexion...Hahahahaha...To me, u r just a guy who are no much different from others but ur personality is the thing which are different from what I thought...I just can't imagine it that I was destinied to know u..I mean, fated...But it's fate, what to do...Think carefully and see whether that guy is good or not for you...After this, I think, it's not...Not at all...Because, promise different and saying different...All different...Better don't go on with him...Later what u think different and happens the other way round...I really regreted in My Life...Im very sad...Honestly,Sincerely,And no trust for a guy like u anymore...I promise...That whatever, I typed, it's the truth and honest, sincere and from heart...This is what I feel, what I think and what I benefit after doing and having feelings , pain of u...I have not much to say...But I will never trust a guy like u...Not in My Life...Forever...
Mera Vaada hai yeh...
Take Care...

I really can't understand myself...why...

Time: 0930 am
Date: 13 January 2007

I really can't understand what type of emotion, feeling am I feeling right now...
I just can't understand myself...I really feels for both of the good and bad side...
I hope he really feels for what I felt and feel for him till now...I just can't sleep and luckily, Thanks to ALLAH, I met two guys and we talk...One is Dev and other is Manesh...Both are pure Hindustani...But must let u know...I talked to Dev first and then, he really makes me feel relax..U know calm...Then the best thing was he knows how to speak Malay...Im was really quite glad to him...Then he gaves his opinion...I really appreciate it...Then after that, I called Manesh...He was damn serious funny man...Funny guy???Hey, doesn't that sounds like Dhoom 2- Ash called Hrithik???Hahahaha...his thoughts also I really appreciated it...before talking to the both of them, I talked to my close fren, Vani...I understand that she also have her own problem...But thanks Vani for sparing me the listening ear...If not, I would have gone crazy for no reasons...I mean...All of them have different opinons...Like I said peoples are born to be themselves, so there will be different opinions but some may be similarity...That's all...I really dont know...Yesterday night till 2am I cant sleep...Coz, the feeling I had for him was like, Imust msg him before I went to bed...That was also part of Manesh's opinion's but then, every though I played guess the choice by myself , it ended up telling yes to SMS him but I felt like not...So...I just went to bed... and trying to forget him slowly and as that I fell a sleep...So, when I woke up, just now, I can't really try to recall what am I dreaming of..But there was something as if it is importnt adn not so...I really can't understand...Why....Kyun yaar????Kyonki?????
I dont have the answer..that's why I need an option and opinion for u guys...Thank you so much guys...Thanx for your opinion...I promise to help u when u really in need...Mera vaada hai yeh...
Then, just now, when I woke up...I suddenly like thinking of him...The same situation that I felt yesterday...Feel of spending more time with him...But Im a girl anyway and eventhough in this millenium generation...Im not as fast as what u think these days girls would normally do for to get the guy she loves...
I always think far...Afraid u might be rejected, u r just in ur dreams...Or it can be true that the guy also have the same feeling as you and not u r just alone having it...I know that in my heart Im waiting for Mr SMR but then I dont know why...maybe this might be a test...See how patience I can be or maybe other???
Until now, thinking and feeling about this, I am now having headache...No way...Better take some panadols...I later have to work...I really next week...I can meet him...He will ask for me out...Just now, after a few plaing guess the choice with my mum, the answer was no all 1 and then the 3 times trying...But after bathing, I was still thinking of him...U know he is still stuck in my mind...I really can't understand why and for what reason am I thinking and missing him unconditionally...All I know was that I told my mum again and guess what did my mum said, she just asked me to SMS him and I did it but I told my mum that during this time, he might be sleeping...But really lah him...It was a first and for the very first time a guy I went out with is really like what I don't expect...But why am I really feel for him...I mean this feeling I really dont understand...My mum also was shocked...That too but not all my frens...Some only agrees with how the way he is...U know...I met Rahul and we are like as if we are like casual frens u know...That too within 5 days of knowing him, next day I met him...But then that was history...But this Rafi...Within 1 year of knowing him also including lost and contact again...It was like different from all the guys...I really have no idea what he thinks on me but all I can say was that, I just had a feeling & too till now which this type of feeling I has for him is never before in my Life...K, to be honest, L-I-K-E is a wording which I had used to other guys but to him...C'mon, it's not the L-O-V-E thing yaar...Its just a feeling which I mean from everything I never expect to have or feel..I get it u know...So, I have already SMS him and I think this opinion is from Dev but Dev ask me to wait about 1-2 days...But I just can't help it...All my mum said just sms him casually like a fren does...Sometimes, I feel regreted because of making him feel he was a fren to me...But I want to be serious like how he wants to be...All I know for now is just...Hope I can move on in My Life and he will reply my msg after he was and read myn...Insya'ALLAH(Amin)
All I hope is that and I really hope he will keep in touch with me...That's all I ask for....I mean if I were to tell u everything from how he SMSed me...U goona think very different...But after meeting him...The word L-I-K-E begins to have that signal on him...O.k...Mostly, people said I don't realise it but u know what...I think no..That will never happen the L-O-V-E thing will never happen...Like I said...All I need is just him.....ANd its not about that...I really dont know why...The more he never SMS me, the more Im missing...But when be with him, my heart feels like as if...WE are struggling towards one another...U know...What am I trying to say...I really dont know why am I feeling like this but then.....Right I hope he is awake and straight away msg me not just a question that I asked- Hi, good morning,..So how r u? Sorry if Im disturbing u early...-
that's all I SMSed him and my mum o.k...
So I really hope he will reply me, my SMS and like started a topic first...
I really dont know...To be honest, I really before and on the way meeting I only felt for him, he was a fren to me...But I reconsider it and started to feel more for him...I really have no idea...But some guys, girls just have to be the first move...Well...We see what happens...How far will this relationship with him going to be...How matters it is to me...What and why am I feeling for him every now here and then...Im very thankful because blogging makes u revealed and relieve everything that happen to u...Its like something which u r relating to one...
Somebody...Please help me...Im getting confused...This matter really am getting complicated...Or its just me???
I have no idea...Im blank now...K la...I need to rest before getting to work...Till here...
All the best...
Take Care...

Today was o.k...But I met Rafi Khan...

Time: 0942pm
Date: 12 January 2007

Today, my off day so I met Rafi...Everything like what I thought was different...Im scared of losing him again but then this is the feeling I had in me after meeting him...He was like a good-looking guy with an attitude...I like it...Attitude I mean as in he was like whether that was him or not coz he sounds totally different in real than in msn or phone...Im very sad and was very sad just now...I felt like missing him a lot and guess what when I reached home, I just broke down...Im scared la...Of losing him...C now, he don't even msg me at all...I dont know why but right now, Im typing also feel like broking down, crying but Im patience myself...What the thing has happened to me and I can't even recognise anything...I hope its not Love or whatever...Oh Ya ALLAH, only SHariffudin M Raffi is mine and no one will be with him...Only me...Not any other girls...Then what the bang and I having this type of feelings towards Rafi...???
Im clueless and helpless...It was like something that never happen in ur Life...I mean, this is my first time, go out with a guy, watch movie, talk at least something and then k, go off...OMG, dont tell me Im falling or having a craush with this type of guy.....My heart beats fast adn slow at a same time...Does he really thinks of me too like this? Or he is going out for any other girls???
OMG, I though he stick to that seriousness...Oh, why...Don't Rabia, don't ever break down...OMG, I can't believe this, tears are dropping out from my eyes...
I really have no idea as if whether hethinks for me the same as what I thinks of him...Right now, his face is still in my mind...I really have no idea why...it's like a feeling of come and go...I cant take it...Common Rafi, call me or at least SMS me...Im waiting for u...I really dont have the guts to msg u first anyway Im a girl what even though its a generation of millenium but then, honours and respect is still within...I really dont know what has happen to me or for what reason...All I know for now is just Im scared of losing u...That's all...I really dont know why am I feeling it this way...Oh no...I can't be believing this that Im crying...WHy and what the hell are U in my mIND, RAFI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh please, SMS me at least...Im waiting...Dont make...Dont make me feel this...I can see u sing in all the Hindi songs I hear...I can just imagine u...Really...I never lie...I am so shit, so regreted to say be serious...I wish I haven't meet u or know u...I regreted...In my Life really...I hope u r not like Rahul...
I am thinking of u here and then n r u thinking of me?
WHat it feels if u love that person when that person u r in Love will never love u back like how u do or are not in Love with u...???
A really big and grave mistake right???
I m dan cofused but I cant take this to all by myself...I cant disturb my fren my good close fren Vani...She is also having problem...SHe is very tired and I really dont have any idea what to do...Oh Ya ALLAH, is it Rafi thinking on me or about me???
Is he really missing me?
I hope he will thinks good and be lucky to have met a person like me...
Im just fedup...Right now, just waiting for his msg...If he never msg me today, tomorrow, Sunday and so on...I promise to forget him...Yeh, mera vaada hai...
And if there is anything I can't help...I promise, I'll help myself...Neither one will be a burden nor trouble...Let see if his seriouness is true...
Sincere, and did he stick towards his saying, his word....
I had enough of this...I really need to stop my feeling...Thank ALLAH, Dev is there for me...I now want to call him...Sometimes, talking to stranger is really different coz their opinion will make u feel more outstanding...
Take Care all...

Erhm..Yesterday working was ok la...

Time: 1038am
Date: 11 January 2007

Erhm...Yesterday working was o.k but my sales target was damn low- 99.00 only...
Oh Ya ALLAH...Insya'ALLAH, I can do much more better and more customer will be attracted by me (Amin)
But I told my supervisor-Agnes about there was some misunderstanding coz..At first that was my customer as I stood by her even though I need my fren to help...Now...The truth was that I have to fight for my rights, so that too yesterday Agnes said that is ur right and you have to fight for urs...So, yesterday I called Joyce and Joyce somemore ask me to tell them bravely, stirctly so that we can't be easily being bullied...I think, I have to follow Joyce steps then they will c the tougher part of me...Oh Ya ALLAH, Insya'ALLAH, I can do my best and I can always serve the customer to the needs adn hopes the customer will always be patience with me...Insya'ALLAH, all the staffs from the low to the high level will respect and have that sympathy on me...Insya'ALLAH and also they will respect me like how I respect them...Hope they don't like any negatives with me...Hope they will see me and know me as a good and nice staff too...Insya'ALLAH (Amin)
Insya'ALLAH, this 2 months attachment will pass very fast(Amin)
K la...ANother 1 more hour I have to get ready to work...So k la...Till here...
Take Care All...
Wish good luck always...

Erhm...What a tough job...But o.k...

Time: 1001am
Date: 10 January 2007

Erhm...It was a nice place coz it was just nearby my place but the enviroment are o.k...And the peoples, staffs there are great...But the only thing is other thing than standing is that the stock check was very tiring...i don't know coz I had never experienced any sales assistant job...Yesterday it was 10.30am - 8.35pm...Ehm..Quit tiring...Really tiring...Anyway the uniform is nice...And I got compliments from some of the customers...It was a very nice of them...Today I start afternoon shift...So by 12.45 I must have punch m ard in order to receive the Attendance allowance-$220...Damn tiring la...I really hope this 2 months attachment, the time will pass very pass(Insya'ALLAH)Amin...
And everytime, I am working there, hopes that all the staffs and the suprvisors adn managers will have sympathy and caring feeling for me...
O.k...La..I think I getting bored talking about it...
Btw just to inform that Im no longer Rahul Trehan's fren...He's just like a piece of a puzzle which will never brings anything in my Life but just a part of History in me...Maybe, if have the mood, I will tell another day...Now left 1 more hour and 30minutes to ghet ready to work...Erhm...Very tiring...Until now...What to do...Attachment what...I really hope I will get used to it slowly...Insya'ALLAH(Amin)
But also hope that the time will pass very fast...Insya'ALLAH(Amin)
Erhm...I think because of the working hours that's all...It it was like 11-7pm, that will be fine to me and 2-10pm also that will be fine but the working hours is 9+1 more hours u have to do stock check so 10 hours...Damn tiring...I really hope my duty of the stock check will not be that much...Insya'ALLAH(Amin)
And the off days are like they doesn't counted 1 week how many off days but they counted as in 2 weeks, 3 off days...So I hope I will never get extended of shifts and always they will mostly give morning shifts...Hope my off days will always be on Friday, Saturday or Wednesday...That will be great of them...Insya'ALLAH(Amin)
K la...Till here...Need to rest...
Take Care...
All the Best...
Good Luck...
Miss ya Shariffudin m Raffi...

Erhm...So happy that today I met all my frens...Quite happy with them..

Time: 0240 pm
Date: 8 January 2007

Well...I was very brilliantly happy coz I meet Vani and Tynie...Lisa I met already the day before yesterday...Hahahahaha...But before bidding each othr we wish all of our mates and frens good luck especially I hug Tynie, Vani, Lisa nad Ivy...Hahahahaha...It was like everyone like go on their ways...Quite sad and very touchy...They are the good frens and even though if to find some outsiders, honestly, no one can neva ever replace a fren like them especially Vani, & Lisa- my 2 dearies...
Ehm...Sometimes, I felt crying...Anyway, u know in Life u sometimes the peoples which u think its ur fate u know the good ones but sometimes its the other way round u know...Liek how I think this guy were...Even though Im grateful but there are regretness of my foolishness...Anyway, after all, human beings will always be human beings....that's why mistakes is a still can't be untie from us...
I really feel great coz of the leraning Hindi but other than that, I regret u know...I really appreciate it but sometimes u know...I understand we meet different type of people but u know sometimes we are not made for each other even though as a fren...I really don't know why...But just keep missing him...
U know..Maybe this will take probaly a few days only..Ala...He also no difference from all the guys I met so far...But the looks...O.k...And attitude...O.k o.k La...But very generous to help for free...
So...Anyway, I m really happy..Mai bahut bahut khushi hui kyunki I got a job which is nearby to my home and its still in a one town just a 4 stops away...Yeayea...SyukurAlhamdullillah...its at WestMall...Really hope got my sizes...Insya'ALLAH(Amin)
Erhm...Life is so Pace that nothing turns out to be that pace...Peace...O.k..There's a need to be a paece if not then how r u going to have a very good relax Life ryt...
Btw I think...Tomorrow I will be starting a new job so hope everything will be fine to me and all my classmates too...
Miss them loads yaar...
Ehm..Anyway I really think I better learn Hindi alone...
Im damn fed up man...
I think, I better don't contact him at all la...
What for la...Stress my Life...Im damn stupid man...
But the truth was that the way he 'serve' me as in the way he talked sent SMSes all, he like called me Jaan...And Im not that cheap for any guys to call me that...I have honour and not just a simply girl to fool around...
Byebye Rahul...Life must go on...
I really appreciate it all...maybe it's just u I think which are not in the same 'line' I guess...if probably we are still fated to be frens then frens if not then I juat hacked care...But I know that u really have guide me in Hindi...
So I really appreciate and wish u good luck repeatedly but not even wishing me good luck for my IAP(Industrial Attachment Programme)...
U really lah...I think why u don't have the guts just to say u don't like me...Hey I really know a person's reaction towards me...But then..It's not 100% confirm...I really don't know...I bet u must be desperate...Hahahahaha.....
Go to heaven la u...Bye bye...
I think I can't say anything with a full stop(.), coz let it be with a comer(,) coz Im a very fast forgive and forget person...Sometimes I think but yes its true that yesterday after putting down the phone...I cry...I was like damn sad u know...But its good to know the truth coz u can know how to keep in touch with that person or not...The distance between u and the person...
Im very really out of mood now...Well...K la, later at night continue...
Take Care all...
I really need to take some rest...Too much thinking not missing,hope so not...

Oh what a day yesterday...Very thankful but regreted...

Time: 0838 am
Date: 8 Janaury 2007

Oh shit see la I typed it all I wanted to say but then everything was like gone...
Damn it...
O.k o.k...It's o.k...
I can start all over again...Nothing to worry about...
But guess what...Yester day I did go out with my Rahul Bhai...
OMG...It was like not what I think....All was like o.k....
But Im totally fed up with him....
He really mistaken me alot but I really happy that I met him but very regreted in my Life...
He was like....Oh Ya ALLAH...He do mistaken me...
It's like this....
He thinks I have a heart as in wanted to tackle him but sorry...He keeps on saying Im younger...Well u know his age is 21 and Im 17+ so what...Anyway who wants to tackle u...OMG!!! He really lah...
Btw he also like praised himself and thats good but sometimes I was like o.k...I heard more on ur good deeds and I know that u r a good guy o.k chill...U knowsumthing like that...
But ovcerall I was damn fed up with him...really, honestly Im saying...
He likes a brother to me...O.k...Besides that, he is also my teacher...
The fact is that I really enjoy talking to him and that's all...Bas(Enough)...
He is great...very nice..And he admits that he does a lot of talking and yes he talks with me until o.k...That's nice...
I am really thankful of any or any compliment he gave but and so do I but of coz...That's the fact...So I think it's great to give people compliment sincerely...But I guessed he really mistaken me...Honestly, but I really don't know how to tell me..But I will just say it out not mentally but physically...U know like slowly go or like not used to be with them as usual..But I really don't know why...I really like him as fren- Bhai(bro)...
Hey Rahul bhai...U made me cry yesterday and I can't even sleep...Later I need to go to school...So, kind of tired...My eyes...
It's like an experience in my Life like this but not too worry, I appreciate it...Thank you...Coz to me...This is Life...So I believe that life has it's ups and downs...So...Im damn fedup...He believes that in this world there are 3 types of characthers but to me there are many coz people born to be themselves so I really have met alot and he is one of them...
So I think...Its just I have to u know...Kuch Na Kaho with him...maybe, after knowing the reality, I know its good to know the truth so that u r ready and know how, which, where and where as in at certain times whether u can be that close to this person or not...So after all...fren is a fren...Nothing can't change unless u r destint to be together then depends but not I and him...I really never felt or feel anything but very happy but just regreted...well...Why regreted...Ehmm...I did just mention out but not all...Just some...Coz I think not point talking on it...Right...i can meet many smart-grooming guys who are u know as in my type perfectly...well...
Life is so perfect that nothing turns out to be the one...
So that was my quote and it was from me...honestly, I didn't copy or whatever anyone...
Well...Like I said most who knows me called me Philosopher so I quite happy with my philosophies...
I really thinks 'deep' on anything in Life coz thats the way to make things understand clearly out...
So I think like I said- people are born to be themselves so whats the hurry or whatsoever....k la...Till here...Need to go to school....
Miss ya Loads...
My one and only...
Take care...

Im very sorry...

Time: 1032am
Date: 7 January 2007

Ehm...TOday...well...I receive news yesterday coz my datuk sedara pass away...
So..It's Nabilah's grandad...Together we pray for the good to him...
Anyway, about my bhai today meeting him well...But later have to go and visit my cuz house and so tomorrow hope school ends after that briefing so after that I can go out with my frens for a while and meet my bhai...Hope he can teach and be comfortabl with me till night...Maybe, I would meet him before 5pm coz before that I would like to go out with my frens first...Coz the next day, we will start our attachments and also we are post applied to different companies and then tomorrow it's our first and the last day of school before the attachment industrial programme...Hope my bhai agrees and there will be no any last cancelation...I really wanna learn Hindi...
Hope he will really accept me like his own sister and a good and caring fren...
Just would like to say, thanx for the teaching but why should I thank u...Ehm..Its a deal what coz I also will be teaching u Malay...Hahahahaha.....
K la, tomorrow hope to be the best day in 2007 of the first month as a first time meeting a guy whose like a teacher...
K la...I really nopt sure what to write anymore...
U all take care.....
Love u...

Ehm..Today...I bought some new clothes...

Time: 1051pm
Date: 6 January 2007

Ehm...Well....Today Im so happy coz I bought some new clothes...Well just 2 but its very nice and I look like a SuperSTAR...Hahahaha...Really....And a belt...
what a great time I had with my fren - Lisa...So sad Vani can't come along...
So tomorrow is a last day of achool holiday and the following day, scholl re-opens...Ehm...Damn bored la me...
Btw Im not sure whether tomorrow my Bhaijaan wanna meet me....
I receive no calls from him la...So sad la... :(
Well..I really hope later he will call me coz I really wanna learn Hindi yaar...
So sad la...Learning alone, learning by our own its not the same as people teach coz when people teach there will be more fun and enjoying...
Y la...damn bored seh...Should I sms him or not???
Erhm...Kla...because of the free 10 sms, k I'll sms him now..C whether he replies or not...
K, I already smsed him..K..Let's wait...
K now it's already 1 minute and he haven't reply...
Let's wait...
Yes, he replied...
guess what he said- Missing u Bhe jaan-mwaa mwaa...
Crazy bro...
SO happy...
K la...Hope tmrw our plan be great and really he will get turn on by me...
Crazy Kiya Re...
Take Care all...
Peace out...
Miss ya loads...

Erhm...I think what a misunderstanding...

Time: 0414pm
Date: 5 January 2007

Ehm...What a day with him yaar...
Yesterday , I thought he wouldn't call me anymore but at night about 11.30pm around there...In between that time, he called me...
Oh Ya ALLAH, I was very much relieved and happy u know...But yesterday there was a misunderstanding between us but o.k, all are solved yaar...
Btw...I really hope later he will call me...
Ehm..Btw now my stupid brother- Redwan just has come home...
Damn shit, He's like very negativer u know...
Kl la till here...
Take Care...
Peace out..

Especially for the one that I've just known few days back...

Time: 0325pm
Date: 4 January 2007

Leaving you will be so hard
I know that we will be scarred.
Through the years we have grown up
Now we are about to split up.
It hurts me inside
To know that you will confide
In someone else who isn't me
But they will never be what I try to be.
I'll always be there for you
And I'll always stay true.
You are a part of me
That everyone will see.
I are your sister and friend
And we'll be that way until the end.
Don't ever let anyone take my place
Because they will never face
All the times that we've shared
Even when we never really cared.
All our memories will be locked up tight
Even all our stupid fights.
The laughs, the tears, the cries, the fears
Have built up through the years.
I'll never let us be apart
And you will always remain in my heart.
Talking with u for one day feels like had talking with u for a few years back...
That's the truth if u want to believe...
I will never force u but will be very Thankul...

Take Care...

I know, that Im wrong..But it was a part of acting yaar...

Time: 0306pm
Date: 4 January 2007

Hey...This is for my Bhai...I just know him about 3-4 days but I had a feeling that I had known him about long long time...
It's hard to say...But I am really thankful and appreciate it that I have known someone that I really want to know...
He's such a sweet person and we just talked for a day...And guess what-honestly, Im saying Bhai, I felt that I have talk with you about sometimes before...And it was like a long time we never talk.....This must be crazy but it's the fact...Look, Im not falling for u or whatevr...But I really like u...Honestly, Im saying...Look, the fact is that I know, Indian girls no matter where they are from, they are very beautiful BUT don't forget that this is all God will...So...It's the fact that Indian had won a few titles in Miss World or Universe...
I really don't know why but honestly, I felt that I have like cheat on u from the first day we talk then a few hours passed then we talk again but it's not I am cheating u or wat but it was just to see whether u can see am I can really act?
Life is all about everything from the living things to not...Then wat the hell u r like...OMG...I really can't beleive that u r like this...
Look...I don't know why but Im missing u man...I kept thinking of my bhai that he will not and really don't want to be my fren...
Fine...And if that the case...I won't stop u because u can think if Im good or not for u...Frens will always remain frens but Destiny is the one that u can't change...Im sorry but Im very grateful with destiny that I know u...But and for u honestly telling the truth will be fine to me...I won't mind that waiting fo u...
U have to tell me the truth...I think why should I meet u when I don't even know u that well right...
I felt like I am wasting my time...really...This is what I feel...Honestly speaking and not sure on u...First I felt for u is like a Bhai then a teacher then no..Not that both but then I thought ones again, its o.k...I understand it...I know how u feel...Remeber when u need me...I'll be here coz in Singapore...U can find lots of peoples who will understand u...Main hoon naa...Tanx for teching a few of the basic Hindi languages...I really want to learn more of it and can pay u...Won't mind...K, I miss ya loads, as usual...Take care...Babye... :(

Yours Sincerely,


---*For U, My Love*---

Time: 0258pm
Date: 4 January 2007

Never will I understand,
Why my love, denies my hand.
What pain, what suffering have you endured?
With my help, can you be cured?

My thoughts, my dreams, you re always there,
When will you see how much I care?
Such little time I ve spent with you,
Enough to know my love is true.

The further you drift away from me,
The more I feel I ll never be free.
Perhaps I should just let you go,
Your love maybe, I should not know?

My love and friendship is always here,
And if you should ever shed a tear,
My arms are here to hold you tight,
For I will always be your light


---You are mind---

Time: 0340pm
Date: 3 January 2007

You are mine, my best friend,
The one I can confide in, until the end.
The one who has seen every tear,
Whose hands boldly hold all of my fears.

You are mine, my other half that makes me complete,
Who never lets me feel like I am going through defeat.
You're the one who has always been there,
To show me how much that you truely care.

You are mine, my happiness in me,
Who's opened my eyes and really made me see.
Your compassion and love has shone through the clouds,
Leaving me with no more fears or doubts.

You are mine, an angel for me,
Whose smile is sent to make me happy.
The one who always has faith in your heart,
To make sure that I don't fall apart.

You are mine, without any question,
Giving me lots of hugs and affection.
You are mine, my best friend,
Whom I will always love until the very end!

Take Care


Time: 0314pm
Date: 3 January 2007

Friendship is the kind of love
that never can grow old.
Warm and cozy it will stay
when other things are cold.
Friendship is a love so true
it won't be denied,
Because a friend will always be
there close by your side.
Boyfriends and lovers come and go
in this game of life we play,
But a true friend, no matter what,
in your heart will always stay.
So hold these friends dear to you,
and never let them go.
Think how much they mean to you,
and make sure to tell them so.


Life is so Beautiful-Colourful...

Time: 0252pm
Date: 3 January 2007

Btw today..Nothing happend but just excited because I have a new fren and that too guy and his name is Rahul from Delhi and btw he will teach me Hindi...SyukurALhamdullillah(Amin)
Hopefully, I will gain benefits...
Btw here is a poetry I get so far....
Hope u all enjoy...

Friendship is something that grows through the years
Withstanding feelings of anger, joy and tears
It is something you cannot live without
A friend you can turn to when in doubt
They should listen carefully and not speak a word
For you would do the same when they want to be heard
A person you can confide in, learn from and trust
This is a friend and everyone must
Be able to have someone just like this
Not a boyfriend to hug, cuddle and kiss
But a person so special, faithful and true
The only one I can think of is a person like you
Our friendship is strong, healthy and great
Through the years I see its wonderful fate
A fate of laughs, greatness and fun
We have only one life to live and this is the one
The past- full of memories that runs through my head
The bad ones never talked about or said
Every moment of life should glisten with fresh morning dew
This reminds me of the greatest friendship one ever knew.

*******True friendship*******

K la...Till here...
More Poetry coming up....
Take Care...

Good Luck 2007

Time: 1106pm
Date: 2 January 2007

Ehm....Happy New YEar...
Well...This year..Is a new year for me...
I know that every year, it's a new year...But this 2007...Is very special...
Want to know y...???
Because my favourite number as always been 7, so that's why...
I really hope..This 2007 will be a memorable of all...A best Year like ever before(Insya'ALLAH...AMin)
K la ..COntinue tomrrow...
Take Care....

Haiz..A very History and Memorable Day...

Time: 0955pm
Date: 2 January 2007

Yesterday and the day before yesterday was a very memorable and a history to me...
Many things happened but its hard to type and mention it all here.....Let it be part of me...I will remember both part...
So...Another 5 days to school to re-open..Damn boring....I really hope that Veeko have my dress size(Insya'ALLAH.Amin).
& also everything will go on smoothly both the internal and external...(Amin)
Anyway...It's 2007...
So...Im going start this at a new post...
K la...
Happy New Year-2007...
Take Care...

What a Paagal Tagged....

Time: 0340pm
Date: 30 December 2006

Haiz..Very tiring , spent already an hour on tagged page & guess what all my tired efforts of customizing my page suddenly asked me to sign in again n then I have to redo all over again..Dont worry soon Im going to delete my account there...At least, Overall, frenster are much more better and are very much much more far different compare with Tagged...
Damn Fed-up seh...Stupid lame website...Aiyo...Really wasting my time...
The most ever website like this so far is Tagged.com
Oh shit..Really damn shit...I regret it man...
Anyway..What to do...this is Life...
Ones we know it..So better dont repeat the same prob again...
Guess what..I do again and still like shit..I think damn lame man...I now have stop using tagged...Yea really..Fed-up already...
Damn shit...Wasted already nearly an hour...OMG..There really making me Patience of my fasting...Really....Then after spending 2 hours...Finally...I think my Patience really was paid off...Thanx ALLAH...(Amin)
Ehm..What rare and unfortunate experience there...Really..Never in my Life such things happened like that...
Ehm...Damn Lame...Otah-otah more nicer...Miss it...
So...Tomorrow is Haaj..Hari Raya AidilAdha-Haji....Ehm...
Now, my dad haven't receive any of his pay yet..Damn it..What a stupid company then...So unlucky...People wants to celebrate part of this festive then they all such blur sotong I guess...I think, sotong much more better and nicer...
Haiz...What a day...Really of the rarely experience...
Hope this day won't be repeated again...Just a histories part of Life...
So k la till here...
Thank ALLAH...I made to fast before Haaj tomorrow...Yea...Another bout 3 more hours to go break-fast...
K la till here...
Take care...
Peace out...

Ehm...Wat a slackin day...

Time: 1048pm
Date: 29 December 2006

Haiz...Today there's nothing to do..Just morning exercise, surf the net...& watch TV..That's all...Damn boring...Life is so Peace.....Relax...
So..I already and at last broke the weight machine..Stupid...I fell myslef lighter that thing is damn irritating..Now need to purchase new one...Haiz...Maybe tomorrow or next week...C how la...Better buy at good places as in Watson or Guardian Pharmacy...
Life has been o.k...I really have to lose at least 5-7 kg or more before school re-opens at least...Oh Ya ALLAH..I really hope that Veeko company have my size la...Insya'ALLAH(Amin)
So far..One more day and I'm very grateful and SyukurALhamdullillah I made to fast all straight 6 days before Haj...So tomorrow is teh 6th day and the next day is Haj...Insya'ALLAH...I can pass on...(Amin)

So..I really can't wait to meet all my relatives again...Lately, so far by the end of this year since the Eid-Mubarak,Hari Raya AidilAdha really tightens up our relationships with all my mom's side...But my dad...I can't say a word thou...
It was damn full of fun...I really hope this Sunday, we will be celebrating New Year too at one go...
Ehm...K la...Now...I know.....Know what...Know that...I also don't know...
Hahahahahaha.....My Phrase yaa...
K la.....
Till here...
Kuch Na Kaho...
Take Care...

...About ME...
Name: Rabia(Rhya) Khan
School: Waiting to go to Poly...
Age: 18+ (02/10/2007)
Birthday: Y u so Inquistiver...Unless if there's a birthday present then ok... =) Hehehe
Most log in site: Friendster - Quite Cool !!!
..... *_Rhya__:_I'm a normal person...
Just like other people who borns here in this beautiful world...
Well...Right now...I just typing this...Here, in SIngapore its night... Date:03/10/2006...tIME:11:47pm My birthday was just yesterday....JUst turned Seventeen...Yea...Really hope my Needs,Wishes,Hopes,Dreams and Positively will come true
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting *****Hobbies: Listening , watching to any relating to Bollywood...Reading magazines of Bollywood...Dancing...Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting *****And there are some more too...Coming soon... *****Fav place in SIngapore: The place where got to do with 'moods'...Guess....???....Hahahahahahhaha...Clue...Sentimental...But must be peaceful at least... *****What's the meaning of Life: Don't ever give up easily because you'll never know how LUCKY you are...So keep trying and improving...All the Best... *****Fav books:Must be ehm...Love stories...I guess.....Oh naa...Not sure...Sometimes...Ghost ones....Ouuuuhhhhhh....Scary..... */*/*/*/*/*Well...I can may be... Your LOVE once...S?
Or maybe your Philosopher...-*-*-*-*-* ----- Well...This is ***Journey of Life***...Don't do or accept things as granted... Treasure it...U'll never know how Lucky u r... Time is Precious... Be save then sorry... K la till here... Leave any of ur comments if u would like to...Thanks and appreciate alot....

IN CBOX - www.cbox.ws -->


LOVE my Loved Once,World PEace AND SMILE AT THE STRANGER when u Become a STAR..... :D


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting # To achieve my Goals, Dreams,Hopes,Needs,Wants...Meet Shah Rukh Khan,Hrithik Roshan and Amisha Patel...
# To act with them in the Future...And also other actors/actresses...Shahid Kapoor, Jay Sean, TOm Welling...Jackie Chan...Stephen Chow....
# On wish list number 2...Well....???
# wish four
# I WISH for all positives, goods wishes to come true in the world... World PEACE...T.C...SALAAM>...NAMASTE...
:D DreamZzzss.....

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-----For the STARS of Bollywood Fanclub... Shah Rukh Khan fanclub
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Priety Zinta Fan Club
Amisha Patel Fan CLub

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